July 27, 2024

After being proclaimed as the president-elect for the next six years, Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. wasted no time appointing his cabinet secretaries.
So far, those he mentioned are quite formidable that even sectors that did not support his candidacy are impressed.
Yet, there are several vacancies that need to be filled-up in the coming days. As to who will fill up these positions, only Marcos Jr. and his circle of advisers know.
There are, however, suggestions that Marcos Jr. appoint some of the personalities from the opposition.
Sen. Imee Marcos, the elder sister of the president-elect, rattled off some prominent names from the opposition who she claims are more than competent to discharge the function of cabinet secretary. She has her own list and if she is going to have her way, the cabinet of her brother shall be composed of pro and anti-Marcos individuals.
She asserts that this is in conformity with the propaganda communicated during the election period that the Marcos government is a government of unity.
Of course, analysts have mixed reactions to the suggestion that the incoming administration appoint personalities regardless of their political inclination.
Those in favor are of the opinion that appointing known critics of the Marcos administration will heal a long-standing rift and cure the ills that have characterized the legacy of the Marcos regime. Those against assert that hiring those critical to Marcos will doom the administration and divide the policies that are intended to be achieved. Whatever may come out, it would seem apparent that Bongbong will have the last say.
But then, there might be adverse consequences if non-conformists are appointed as part of the cabinet of the incoming administration.
Cabinet secretaries are supposed to be the alter ego of the president on matters pertaining to the chosen field where they are appointed. They are a reflection of what the president intends to do in the different areas of concern besetting the country.
Hence, the necessity of unanimity in mind, body and spirit. An oppositionist might not cherish the thought of going along with what the administration is planning to do. This is precisely why he or she is called an oppositionist. Then, he or she will be included in the administration. To what end?
In the ultimate analysis, there might be no need to appoint persons from the opposition as members of the Marcos cabinet. In the ordinary way our political parties are directed, oppositionists gravitate and align with the winning party so that the latter will always be the majority party.
Only hardline oppositionists maintain their existence and continue to be critical against the government. This is the role they play in a healthy democracy. It is a necessary evil.
So, to absorb them all for the sake of appeasement is compromising the balance of power.
It is said that organizing a cabinet is like forming an orchestra.
Each player must be attuned to the melody being played. One discordant note destroys the entire piece in the same manner that one wayward secretary ruins the entire cabinet. One rotten apple contaminates the entire basket.
Sure, the Marcos camp trumpeted “unity” as its ultimate goal in forming the government.
In fact, it adopted the name “Uniteam.” But to integrate all sorts of individuals, even if they are opposed to the current dispensation, might be courting disaster.
What the incoming administration needs during its infancy is stability. And stability can only be achieved through unanimity.