July 27, 2024

Baguio residents may no longer wait for a text message from the city government for their anti-Covid-19 shots and should not wait for the arrival of their preferred vaccine brand.
But the City Health Services Office (CHSO) has reminded residents who want to avail of the Covid-19 shots to ensure they have enlisted in the masterlist of vaccinees and wait for the schedule of the priority sector they belong in before proceeding to the vaccination sites.
Registration can be done through bakuna.baguio.gov.ph.
Previously, vaccinees are made to wait for a text message from the city government before they can proceed to the designated vaccination sites, but the CHSO now requires the vaccinees to show their QR codes and other requirements such as any government-issued ID and a medical certificate if one has comorbidity sans the text message.
CHSO Medical Officer IV Dandeo Halog also asked those who have already registered for vaccination not to wait for the arrival of their preferred brand of vaccines.
“Do not wait for your preferred brand because the brands that arrive are not guaranteed. All vaccines are the same. The sooner we vaccinate the eligible population, the better,” Halog said.
The city government rolled out the vaccination of the A4 and A5 (indigent population) priority groups last week.
Halog said those who fall under the A1, A2, and A3 groups can still queue for their vaccination even if the city has already moved to inoculation of the A4 and A5 sectors.
He said 86,789 residents have already availed of their Covid-19 shots as of June 28 out of the 109,921 that have enlisted in the bakuna.baguio.gov.ph.
The schedule of vaccination per district health center and the priority sector to be inoculated is regularly posted at the CHSO and Public Information Office-City of Baguio Facebook accounts.
The schedule for the second dose of the vaccinees is also announced in the vaccination sites. – Jane B. Cadalig