July 27, 2024

Singapore is consistently among the countries where it is easiest to put up a business but not so in our beautiful archipelago of delicious coconuts and smiling carabaos, where it would take days, weeks or maybe even months for a budding entrepreneur to set up an enterprise because of so much bureaucratic gobbledygook.
Countries where entrepreneurial activities and innovations are encouraged are usually more developed and their citizens generally enjoy a higher standard of living. They usually belong in the First World category of nations. Unfortunately, that is not where our beloved Philippines belongs. What do you expect when we have been ruled since time immemorial by so-called leaders coming mostly from greedy political dynasties. And we only have ourselves to blame. Belated Happy Independence Day!
Anyway, maybe all is not lost, at least in the entrepreneurial front. It’s titillating to learn that the House of Representatives has passed a bill that seeks to create a Philippine Entrepreneurs Academy, a specialized institute that will enhance core entrepreneurial competencies and foster sustainable economic growth. It will formalize and integrate under a school system the non-formal entrepreneurship programs and short-courses of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority, Department of Trade and Industry, Department of Science and Technology and other government agencies, and conduct scientific, policy-oriented research and training.
Baguio Rep. Mark Go, the measure’s primary author, said the academy is designed to produce highly skilled entrepreneurs and empower the youth to re-energize medium, small, micro enterprises to generate job growth and revitalize other industries.
We hope for the success of this endeavor since we are sure many will agree that what our beloved Philippines needs is more entrepreneurs and innovators and less self-serving politicos. Cheers!

Here’s “Fire and Ice” by Robert Frost: “Some say the world will end in fire,/ Some say in ice./ From what I’ve tasted of desire/ I hold with those who favor fire./ But if it had to perish twice,/ I think I know enough of hate/ To say that for destruction ice/ Is also great/ And would suffice.”

Let’s end with a prayer. Loving God, I pray that you will comfort me in my suffering, lend skill to the hands of my healers, and bless the means used for my cure. Give me such confidence in the power of your grace, that even when I am afraid, I may put my whole trust in you; through our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.