July 27, 2024

What we have learned from the pandemic a year after

It has been a year since all this hysteria started. It is time to point out things that we may (or may not) have learned during one of the longest lockdowns in the world.
We have learned that everyone must be presumed sick when they are feeling the symptoms of the Covid-19.
Some diseases are contagious and fatal that we need a test to know we have said disease. Yes, it’s that obvious.
We have learned that wearing face mask and shield, sanitizing, and physical distancing are measures that can help prevent the spread of the virus that causes the Covid-19.
Never mind eating right, sleeping enough, exercising, and handling stress to boost one’s immune system – that just comes second to the government’s minimum health mantra of “mask, hugas, iwas.”
We have learned that all life is important but some lives are more “essential” and thus more privileged than others. Working in a bar or own one? You, your employees, and your business are not essential. You’re an entry level musician or artist? You’re not important.
We have learned that some people in “high society” can break lockdown rules from time to time – if it’s for the better.
One should not be having or attending parties. But if they’re doing it for a cause like promoting tourism then it should be fine, right?
We have learned that the air you breathe out follows you six feet around.
We have learned that vagrants, the homeless and the police are not affected by the disease.
We have learned that politics takes precedence over science.
Researches and studies from past years concluded that masks did little when it comes to virus transmission. But this past year alone, claims and assumptions put masks at 95 percent effectiveness. Suddenly, oral thrush and candida were not related to chronic extended mask use.
We have learned that Vietnam and New Zealand are model nations. Their disciplined citizens made that happen. Their RT-PCR cycle threshold setting of 27 to 30 and our PCR cycle threshold setting of 40 to 45 has nothing to do with it.
We’ve learned that dying within two to four weeks of having tested positive for the infection counts as a Covid-19-related death; but dying within a few days of having a vaccine is definitely not related to the vaccine.
This may have raised some eyebrows and angered some, but to summarize, happy anniversary and happy April Fools’ Day. — HONORARY PROF. CHATNOIR, Baguio City