July 27, 2024

PRO-COR on Mayor Magalong being linked to CPP-NPA-NDF

We support Baguio Mayor Ben-jamin Magalong’s call to let due process be observed if his actions as mayor are under question.
However, it is worth noting that during Magalong’s more than 30 years of service in the Philippine National Police, he has shown his loyalty by leading the government’s fight against insurgency and terrorism.
He was the former regional director of the Police Regional Office-Cordillera; the chief of the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group; and the PNP Director for Investigation and Detective Management.
In those years of service, he has shown loyalty to the PNP and to the Filipino people.
After his retirement, he continued his fight against insurgency by supporting the various capability enhancement trainings of the Baguio City Police Office against terrorism. He also signed the resolution declaring the New People’s Army persona non grata in Baguio.
PRO-Cor is one with the Filipino nation in its desire to attain lasting peace – a peace that heals and empowers; a peace that promotes change and is geared towards nation development, and a peace that every Filipino dreams of. — B/GEN. MAFELINO BAZAR, regional director, Police Regional Office-Cordillera, Camp Dangwa, La Trinidad, Benguet