July 27, 2024

Exercise prudence amid claims of destabilization plots

Alleged destabilization plots and rift in the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the Philippine National Police were all over the news over the past week, causing unnecessary alarm among the citizens.
While the AFP and the PNP have described these claims as malicious and reassured the people of their commitment to support the President’s programs for reforms, allies of the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army-National Democratic Front continue to spread speculations of internal squabbling and corruption within the AFP and the PNP.
The CPP-NPA-NDF circulates insinuations that this destabilization plot has something to do with alleged political struggles within the current administration, which they have demonized prior to the 2022 elections.
CPP Information Officer Marco Valbuena went on issuing such statement on Jan. 8 where he even theorized that the recent call of Interior and Local Government Sec. Benhur Abalos for ranking police officers to submit courtesy resignation was meant for the Marcos administration to “get control of the PNP and remove officers who are identified with their rival groups.”
Even the appointment of former Interior Secretary Eduardo Año as the new National Security Adviser (NSA) was challenged by NDF’s allies to lay down his plans on security in the face of continuous abuses of Filipino fisherfolk by China. They insinuated as well that with the new NSA, the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict will continue “red-tagging” them.
They should know better but they continue to sow wicked speculations among the people in their desperate attempt to stir hatred against the current administration and the government.
They make a big issue out of political developments while taking advantage of the public’s lack of sufficient knowledge on political dynamics and governance – a classic deceptive maneuvering by the CPP-NPA-NDF.
They have done this in the past 54 years and in those years, we have seen how the AFP and the PNP have always stood firm to secure Filipinos amid all forms of threat and even through political challenges.
May we be more prudent and discerning. Let us always keep in mind that as citizens, we also have the obligation to help preserve peace and promote development.
Let us extend cooperation and support to the government as responsible citizens. After all, the government is for the people and by the people. — MA. LOUISA FOLIGAN, spokesperson, Samahan ng Mamamayang Nagkakaisa Kontra Terorismo