July 27, 2024


We often hear the term “historical revisionism” from groups under the National Democratic Front especially during celebration of the People Power anniversary and remembrance of the declaration of Martial Law by then President Ferdinand Marcos, Sr.

These groups use this term to discredit people who do not agree with their narratives of human rights abuses and attacks to democracy during these events. Then they offer their own version of the truth based on the narrative of their cohorts whom they claim have witnessed such abuses and attacks.

They also insist on their narrative as if their version is gospel truth.

In the Cordillera, NDF allies claim to champion the cause of heroes like Macliing Dulag. They celebrate this through their own version of Cordillera Day every April 24 then monopolize the right of retelling the story of Dulag’s struggle for indigenous peoples rights. They give the impression that Dulag fought alongside the rebels under the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army.

For years, their audiences were made to believe this story – that Dulag was part of the CPP-NPA and that the latter played a crucial role in pursuing regional autonomy.

But these claims were rebuffed when the late Sadanga, Mountain Province Mayor Gabino Gaggangan exposed how in the 1950s, IPs fought the exploitation of their ancestral lands.

He said the CPP-NPA had no participation in the IPs victories. Descendants of Dulag and other Cordillera heroes who the CPP-NPA allies in the region identify as their martyrs, denied that their ancestors were part of the underground movement.

As defense, the NDF accused Ganggangan of historical revisionism.

They have done this across the country and throughout their over five years of manufacturing all sorts of trouble in the country. A few of these narratives are the Rano massacre in Davao which was committed by the NPA but was blamed on soldiers; the Plaza Miranda bombing which was plotted by CPP founder Jose Maria Sison but was blamed on Marcos Sr.; the declaration of Martial Law to suppress freedom and rights of people when one of the reasons was to address the then worsening insurgency.

The list goes on as the CPP-NPA-NDF continues to commit historical revisionism every time their members open their mouth or post malicious statements on social media.

Let us stop listening to these deceptions of the CPP-NPA-NDF. Filipinos do not deserve to be lied to and fooled any longer. — CRISTINA CATBAGAN, chairperson, Nagkakaisang Samahan para sa Kalayaan at Kaunlaran

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