July 27, 2024

Choosing the next BSU president

The selection for the next president of the Benguet State University is on. There are five candidates who presented their vision and mission for the university in a public forum held on Oct. 22.
As an alumnus, former professor in horticulture, research and development administrator, and who served the university for 43 years, I have these to say.
The BSU was established in 1916, 104 years ago as a farm school to develop vast agricultural lands and forest resources, capitalizing on its unique comparative advantages in temperate agriculture. It metamorphosed into a college and to a university in 1986 as it expanded its curricular programs.
The BSU has been recognized as a Center of Excellence in agriculture but has been downgraded since it is deviating from the very purpose it was founded.
It pains to see buildings and parking lots on wide experiment and production fields, informal settlers on agricultural and forest lands, and mostly private individuals cultivating university farms instead of university personnel and students managing the property.
In the choice of BSU presidency, the primary criterion should be engagement in agriculture.
Do the aspirants have the appropriate academic qualification and credible experience and achievements to uphold especially temperate agriculture?
We need a president who has the assets and drive to propel progress of the university, utilizing agricultural technological advances into one that is admired and draws national and global prominence. — PERCIVAL B. ALIPIT, Baguio City