July 27, 2024

Those in top positions must be trusted as public servants

Every beginning always has an ending and every “dirty linen” when exposed reeks.
It has been observed that photos of some top personalities of a power service provider’s calendar are always featured despite cases filed and are attached to their names due to alleged dishonesty as regards monetary matters.
With such unwanted scenarios, citizens are reminded of anomalous and unlawful acts committed by the personalities concerned.
We are fully aware that top positions held in any office or entity must possess honesty and worthy of trust as public servants because “an office is a public trust” and it matters.
Individuals holding important positions in any office are those who can be trusted as public servants because anything in creation fulfills its purpose, it brings honor to God.
It has been noted that member-consumers never enjoyed “year-end dividends” since the service provider is a “cooperative” as claimed, yet requests for support from the majority is the cooperative’s utmost concern.
In the name of good governance and proper accountability, public servants have a mandate to perform fully well every delicate position held in office to the best of one’s abilities because honest living is clean living.
It is a well-known fact that we are God’s gift and what we do with ourselves, it is our gift to God and to bring back His glory, God enjoys watching every detail of our human existence because the voice of God is the voice of the people. We all travel not to escape life and for life not to escape us.
May we abide by this saying: “We may lose money, ‘nothing’ is lost; we may lose health, ‘something is lost’ but if we lose trust, ‘everything’ is lost!”
Any individual may be “learned” but others are not “well-educated”. In Tagalog, “Hindi lahat ng walang pinag-aralan ay hindi kalait-lait dahil hindi naman lahat ng may pinag-aralan ay kapuri-puri.” — RECOLECTICA S. AGAMATA, Baguio City