July 27, 2024

On traffic lights and other matters

I am a motorist with many faults.
However, I cannot understand why our traffic enforcers do not know what a green or red traffic light means.
When the traffic light turns red, they let you go and when it is green, they stop you resulting in confusion and long lines of vehicles.
The closing of many left or right turns along the Quirino Highway (Naguilian Road) and other streets contribute to heavy traffic because motorists converge in the only road thereby creating a bottleneck in intersections.
The left or right turns could ease traffic along main roads.
On another subject, it appears that to go and worship in Baguio Cathedral is expensive. There have been second collections since two years ago.
The parking fee is also exorbitant.
On Wednesday, I was charged P128 when I attended a mass for an hour. I think this is greed contrary to what they preach. May, I call on Bishop Victor Bendico to do something on the pay parking policy.
Still on another matter, many constructions at Luna Street in Irisan disturb the tranquility of the night. I do not see even building permits displayed. — ATTY. GEORGE FLORENDO, Baguio City