July 27, 2024

An open letter to La Trinidad Mayor Romeo Salda

This has reference to the ongoing construction within a private property at Shilan, La Trinidad, Benguet which concerned individuals in the neighborhood have noticed to be without fencing and building permits.
The construction is within a property fronting the designated PNP border checkpoint along the national highway in Shilan.
As a matter of policy, the concerned lot owner/s should have posted in a strategic location within the construction site the details of the permit issued by the Municipal Engineer’s Office.
Concerned individuals have noticed that sometime in October last year, several individuals have fenced the property even without fencing permit. Information has it that the fence established within the private property has encroached an adjacent private property.
A makeshift stall selling meat products was also constructed beside the main entrance of the fenced property. We wonder, too, if the stall was issued a business permit.
The fenced property is currently a subject of an ongoing legal case due to adverse claims but this does not exempt concerned individuals from securing permits from the municipal government.
May I request you to call the attention of the concerned offices led by the MEO if the fence and the ongoing construction are covered by permits to assure your constituents that local and national policies are strictly implemented. — NAME WITHHELD, La Trinidad, Benguet