July 27, 2024

In March, the Philippine College of Physicians-Northern Luzon chapter initiated a fund-raising campaign to help healthworkers, frontliners, and hospitals in accessing personal protective equipment, cash, food, water, and other donations that greatly aided in setting up plans and strategies to control and treat Covid-19 infection and to continue in its efforts to contain the pandemic.
The PCP is a national organization comprised by doctors who specialized in the care of patients 12 years old or 19 years old and above. They treat medical or non-surgical illnesses like hypertension, diabetes mellitus, heart disease, kidney diseases, infections, brain disease, allergies, gastrointestinal diseases, and infections. It is the umbrella organization of the different subspecialty societies or organizations that deal with more specific fields.
Through this column, in behalf of the officers and members of PCP-Northern Luzon, we sincerely acknowledge and thank our donors for their support. Donors (continued from the Oct. 25 issue of the Baguio Midland Courier): Office of the Vice President of the Philippines Leni Robredo, Baguio Rep. Mark Go, Baguio Mayor Benjamin Magalong, Harley Palangchao, Nico and Rina Naranjilla, Bravehearts, Rey and Dr. Annie Olarte, Natrapharm Company, Servier Philippines, Cynthia Loy of Calajo, Gloria Leal, Ma. Concesa Alabayalde, Albert Ong, Edgardo Nevada, Kelwyn Tan, Zonta Club Baguio City, Baguio City Host Lions Club, Dr. Cosme Galasgas, Drs. Abe and Anna Cinio, Dr. Juliet Demyttenaere, Filipino Community Hanoi, Vietnam, Baguio Chinese Baptist Church, Xavier Batch 1996, TOWNS, Aliling through Dr. Andrea Pera, Renee Taguibos, Hedcor, Gina Quitilen, Monica Balatero Galang, April Tangalin, Donna Songcuya, Biomedis Company through Denise del Rosario-Hanwell, Cathay Drug though Regie Salibad, Pharmasia Cuvest through Jeff Imson, Dr. Jennifer Balatian-Tiong, Raymond Yap, Nida Whybrow, Dr. Lydia Flores, Engr. Joy Bondoc, AFP Reserve Command, Monina Galang of MCG Corporation Labada Republic, and various donors through the Courier.
In view of the increasing trend in the number of cases and the need to replenish personal protective equipment, the PCP-NL continues to accept donations in cash or in kind. These may be coursed through Baguio Midland Courierat 16 Kisad Road, Baguio City, or through:
Dr. Cheryl Fomaneg-Suan
President-PCP Northern Luzonchapter
Room 215 Notre Dame de Chartres Hospital
email: [email protected]

Medical questions and concerns and suggested topics may be emailed to [email protected] or [email protected]. Answers will be provided in the column or will be emailed.