May 8, 2024
  1. The red flags on government agencies by COA have dismayed Filipinos who were promised several times this administration will fight corruption.
  2. This police officer with high public trust rating is now widely criticized for his unsolicited suggestion that COA reports must not be made public.
  3. Many residents perceive as illogical the statement that PWDs must adjust to technology over the controversial slippery tactile tiles in city sidewalks.
  4. The U.S. made the right decision to pull out its troops from Afghanistan than spend billions anew for State forces that failed to defend its people.
  5. The city must pursue means to ensure members of a film crew who defied local health protocols will be held liable as demanded by the public.
  6. People mistook as an art piece the link analysis of the Delta variant case in the city since even those who shared it in social media can’t explain it.
  7. Lowly jeepney drivers are up in arms that their voice in Congress has not done enough for them and had a lavish wedding during this pandemic.
  8. A party-list official in the locality who is not visible during difficult times is hopeful to win in a regular election like a dominant aspirant in Benguet.
  9. The victory of the Taliban in taking over Afghanistan might also inspire militias and insurgents to pursue rebellion against PHL government.
  10. Several individuals who were allowed entry in the vaccination sites opted to defer their inoculation after knowing the available vax is made in China.
  11. Hypertension and asthma have become the most common comorbities for supposed healthly individuals, who wanted to jump the vaccination line.
  12. The contract tracing on this LGU became lenient just as many countries are doubling efforts to mitigate the possible impacts of the Delta variant.