May 20, 2024

Dear Manang,
I don’t know why I have a hard time getting enough sleep. I seem to get only three hours of sleep every night. I try to sleep again but it happens after three hours and by that time, I would have to get ready for work. I become sluggish for the lack of sleep. I tried sleeping pills but I am afraid of being dependent on it. Is this normal for a 38-year-old?
Arman of Navy Base, Baguio City

Dear Arman,
My research says that the effects of this short sleep include brain impairment of memory, decision making, and impairment of the immune system. Indeed, this is not normal at any age. I have tried melatonin for my sleep disorder and find it effective. Mealatonina is not a drug but a hormone that induces sleep. It should be taken in moderation. Some say get a good pillow and limit watching time and social media. Maybe just turn the lights off.
You must sleep,

Dear Manang,
I seem to have diminishing hearing in my right ear. I guess it comes with age. I am not ready to admit it yet. Are there other ways to strengthen my hearing? I don’t want to start wearing a hearing aid yet. What should I do?
Jerome of P. Burgos, Baguio City

Dear Jerome,
Oops! You’re knocking on the wrong door. I am not a doctor and I recommend for you to see one. I only have observations based on my own experiences for some maladies. My impression is that you have selective hearing. Are you henpecked? I have a nagging mother and I take the advice of letting it go in one ear and out the other. But the other view is to ignore. This must be what your brain does. Don’t get too used to it because it is not healthy.
Be mindful of what you do,