July 27, 2024

I’m old and until recently I didn’t realize what I did in my life to deserve this state of being alone. I resented my brothers and their families with the way they treated me when I lived with them. Poverty does that because there was little when everyone wanted the lion’s share. I lived as a boarder and thought it would be forever until I met an accident and saw nobody to help me. What do I do now that I’m old? Is there a place for people like me?
Polly of San Vicente, Baguio City

Dear Polly,
Life is what you make it. Our generosity in our lifetime is rewarded in so many ways. Those who have lived with money should be thankful for the resources because they can pay the hands that will help them. However, the care will not be there to soften the pain or hold your hand. I will search for a place for poor elderly people to live in when they are forsaken but for now, I can’t answer your question. Maybe a reader will be able to point the direction to a facility for people like you. I’m sorry for your predicament but it is too late to be nice to others. We should have made the connection long ago to be better persons.
Let’s pray for God’s blessings,

Dear Manang,
I want to express my gratitude to the person who helped me last week when I fell and slipped on the yellow tactile tiles at Kayang Road. I was still dazed and in pain when he brought me home. I don’t know his name or who he was but I thank him from the bottom of my heart. Meanwhile, I am appealing to the city government to please remove the tiles because those tiles have caused many people to slip and fall. Please Mayor Magalong, remove the tiles or just cement over them before they kill somebody.
Dan of Ambiong Road, Baguio City

Dear Dan,
I pray that someone in city hall relays your message to the mayor or someone who can take charge of it. I too slipped on them and fell but I was too embarrassed to complain. I hope that the Good Samaritan who helped you gets to read your thanks and get his blessings from heaven too. I also appeal to the city to please take action on the tiles. Please, Mayor, do something.
Take care everyone,