July 27, 2024

The Cordillera Association of Regional Executives (CARE) brought joy to clients of the Regional Haven for Women and Girls of the Department of Social Welfare and Development with a gift giving activity.
The CARE Shares (Serving Hearts Attracts Radiant and Everlasting Smile) is a regular outreach program of the association where executives distribute goods and basic needs/essentials to their chosen beneficiaries.
The DSWD Haven is currently catering to 13 children and three women.
Musician Ingrid Payaket also joined CARE and serenaded the beneficiaries.
The Haven provides temporary shelter and protective custody of victims of difficult circumstances and those facing traumatic effects of different kinds of abuse and exploitation.
Services include social, home life, recreational, psychological, health, economic, recreational, and dietary services.
“We are thankful that despite our responsibilities from our respective offices, we continue to spend time, money, and efforts to share our blessings to those who are in need. I pray that this good deed of CARE will flourish,” said Department of the Interior and Local Government-Cordillera Director and CARE president Marlo Iringan.
In the general assembly that followed, Iringan presented the accomplishments and activities of the association in the past two years.
The members also elected their new set of officials for 2020-2022. Office of Civil Defense Regional Director Albert Mogol was elected as president while Department of Public Works and Highways Director Tiburcio Canlas was elected as vice president.
The other officers are DILG Asst. Regional Director Araceli San Jose, secretary; Department of Trade and Industry-Abra Director Samuel Gallardo, treasurer; Department of Health Regional Director Amelita Pangilinan, assistant treasurer; DSWD Regional Director Leo Quintilla, auditor; and Philippine Information Agency Regional Director Helen Tibaldo, public relations officer.
Elected as business managers are Department of Tourism Regional Director Jovita Ganongan and Department of Science and Technology Regional Director Nancy Bantog; and Civil Service Commission Asst. Regional Director Cornelia Rillera and Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regional Director Ralph Pablo as marshals. – Carlito C. Dar