July 27, 2024

The City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (CDRRMO) briefed Baguio officials on the city’s disaster preparedness.
CDRRM Officer Yolanda Munar said the preparedness trainings for persons with disability and other groups and drills and simulation exercises are among the preparedness programs, projects, and activities of the CDRRM Council this year.
Munar presented the Baguio City readiness profile during the executive-legislative meeting led by Mayor Benjamin Magalong and Vice Mayor Faustino Olowan.
The report included the procurement of basic rescue tools and communication equipment for 20 trained barangay DRRMCs, medical supplies for ambulance operations, additional rescue equipment, mobile command post, stand alone communication equipment, and procurement and upgrading of the CDRRMO communication equipment from analog to digital.
Among the needs and aspirations are creation of additional plantilla positions or personnel; establishment of CDRRMO as a separate department; provision of hazard pay to staff members; and fast-tracking the processing, procurement, and implementation of DRRM plans, programs, and activities.
The CDRRMO also asked for the identification of a focal person on DRRM from DRRMC members that has operational command and control of departmental resources; identification of response personnel from DRMMC members; sustainability of trainings; transfer of Baguio City Emergency Medical Services to the CDRRMO, but still to be under the supervision of the City Health Office medical director. – Gaby Keith