July 27, 2024

In Baguio City, policemen do not just go around catching your ordinary criminals.  They also roam forests to chase after squatters.

Mayor Benjamin Magalong earlier deputized members of the Baguio City Police Office as environment officers to strengthen the enforcement of the city’s environmental and sanitation laws.

BCPO Director Col. Francisco Bulwayan Jr. welcomed the tasks.

He said it is also a regular program of their department in keeping with the “makakalikasan” core value of the Philippine National Police.

Hence, their regular patrol activities now include scouring safeguarded lots including forest reservations and watersheds for illegal settlers.

This is part of the city’s intensified campaign against squatting and violators of the National Building Code and environmental laws.

BCPO teams from the various stations also go around the different barangays on the lookout for uncollected garbage, cluttered sidewalks, and smelly creeks and waterways.

All incidents are being reported to the mayor in group chats where member agencies and offices can immediately see and facilitate action on said concerns.

The mayor said the city is taking seriously the drive for a cleaner, greener and environmentally sustainable Baguio City. – Aileen P. Refuerzo