July 27, 2024

The city council through Resolution 330 s. 2021 has requested the City Mayor’s Office to extend the validity of the agreement entered into between the City Permits and Licensing Division (PLD) of the City Mayor’s Office and the newspaper stand vendors and watch repair proprietors for another six months or from July to December, or until such time the City Planning and Development Office has come up with concrete plans and arrangements for a relocation site to accommodate them.
The action responds to the plight of the affected newspaper stand vendors and watch repair proprietors who have until June 30 to trade in their respective areas. .
The affected individuals were given until June to comply with the 0.6-meter setback from the sidewalks or to find a relocation place or face demolition by the PLD for violation of roads and sidewalks obstruction pursuant to Department of the Interior and Local Government Memorandum Circular 2020-145.
Peter Puzon of the Citizen’s Rights Advocacy Center/Citizen-Advocate Newsletter, who brought the issue before the body, also informed their proposed local initiative and ordinance seeking to protect Baguio newsstand vendors, watch repair and locksmith stands, among other enterprises, which have been contributing to Baguio’s economy for decades.
Resolution 694 s. 2020 also stated that these stands and stalls have been “a common sight in the city that, in its own unique way, forms part of the spirit that defines the soul of the Baguio City as a whole.”
In Resolution 320, s. 2021, the city council has confirmed the MOA between the city and the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office regarding the city’s share from the charity fund generated from the proceeds of lotto and small town lottery (STL) operations in Baguio.
Under the MOA, the PCSO is obligated to allocate five percent charity fund generated from the sales of lotto within jurisdiction of the city and also a portion of charity fund generated from the sales of STL within the jurisdiction of the city; release lotto charity fund share every six months and STL charity fund share on a monthly basis; and include and inform the city of other assistance that the city may be entitled to receive such as ambulance/medical transport vehicle, medical and hospital equipment and charitable services usually being given by the PCSO nationwide, as well as assistance for its medical health related outreach programs.
On the other hand, the city government shall acknowledge receipt of lotto and STL charity fund shares through official receipts by the city treasurer; use the fund for its health programs, medical assistance and charitable services, subject to applicable accounting and auditing rules and regulations, including but not limited to medical mission, medicine donation, hospitalization assistance, procurement of medical supplies/equipment, or milk feeding/nutrition program; and submit to PCSO Internal Audit Service of a Fund Utilization Report with Statement of Receipt as verified by the Commission on Audit.
The PCSO, without awaiting a request from the city, or upon request of the city, shall grant calamity assistance, in the form of financial assistance to qualified beneficiaries or medical services, to be distributed or conducted in the areas affected by calamity/disaster within the jurisdiction of the city, subject to the provisions of the approved PCSO calamity assistance program guidelines, based on the situation/assessment report submitted by the concerned PCSO branch office, including data obtained from the concerned government agencies in the provision of services or assistance in time of calamity/disaster.
The city government shall use the calamity/assistance for food necessities for displaced families in evacuation centers, or feeding projects; and procurement of medicines and/or medical supplies necessary for the conduct of health-related activities for disease prevention and/or treatment among affected population, including water and hygiene sanitation requirements.
In Resolution 322, s. 2021, the Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company was encouraged to coordinate with the Philippine Military Academy for the establishment of a fiber optic facilities in the military reservations in Baguio such as Fort del Pilar, Navy Base, and Camp Henry T. Allen among other areas.