July 27, 2024

Dear Manang,
I cannot help myself, but I don’t trust a person and her intentions anymore. I am afraid that I will soon be turned into a culprit for a stunt that she did. Recently, she said that she couldn’t continue doing the job and asked if she could be taken out of the project. She was removed and not assigned to any tasks. Then suddenly she appears in all the projects again and pretends to be interested in them. She was telling the others that I did not remove her and that she was still working with everybody. Am I wrong in not trusting her?
Etta of Guisad Surong, Baguio City

Dear Etta,
You have all the right to feel the distrust. There are some people who deliberately forget, and she may be one of them. There are also some who cannot take responsibilities and should not be given any. But if I get you right, you were doing fine until she resigned from an activity. There must be something going on. Did you check if this surge has to do with something else outside your group? Maybe there is something that requires the accomplishment of some activity. Give it another chance.
Be discerning,

Dear Manang,
I don’t know how to help my friend who was suddenly diagnosed with cancer. It is depressing because we don’t know where the cancer came from and what the cure will be like. The first round of chemotherapy was already done, and the spirits are still high because she still felt well and is not showing any signs of weakness. How else can I help her?
Grammy of Pinsao, Baguio City

Dear Grammy,
A lot of prayers is the miracle that helps in these situations. There are some who need to fill their mind with other things, so they don’t focus on what they are feeling. You can help by letting them do things that they enjoy. If your friend can still travel, sometimes that is helpful. But you must always be cheerful around them. Many have survived cancer with cheerful and hopeful dispositions, and this is a good thing. This is the best thing to do, to keep the spirits high to fight off the cancer.
Be cheerful,