July 27, 2024

Life has always been complicated but the Covid-19 pandemic made it more complex.
Massive changes in the world were brought by this pandemic. These changes made our lives more difficult and stressful.
The closure of several companies and business establishments due to the economic crisis caused many people to lose their jobs. Losing jobs mean a lot to many since they depend on their salary for their own and families’ survival.
The impact of the pandemic in the field of education is also great. Teachers, students and parents needed to do lots of adjustments.
The teachers’ major problem is on how to impart knowledge to their students without the face-to-face interactions. They also need to work overtime to prepare, reproduce, pack, and check modules. Sometimes, delivery and retrieval of modules become a problem, too. Reports and other requirements imposed by the department also add to their burdens.
Students, on the other hand, have difficult time accomplishing their modules. The bulk of activities on each module are tiring and time consuming thus students become bored and burnt out. They no longer enjoy schooling.
Many parents are also complaining because they need to balance their time between job and supervising their children on their studies.
As a teacher and a parent of grades 7 and 11 students, I can relate and feel the plea of the teachers and parents. I have to work overtime even on Saturdays and Sundays just to finish my tasks for my students. Simultaneously, I need to spend time guiding my children on their studies. I also need to read lots in order for me to give the necessary assistance to my children regarding their lessons. Sometimes, we stay until midnight just to complete their activities. This routine made me feel exhausted.
The pandemic has caused depression and anxiety among people. This contributes to the rising cases of suicide in the Philippines. Many become hopeless. However, we cannot blame them because they are just victims of circumstances but we should not imitate them. We should remain optimistic and strengthen our faith in God. Moreover, we should learn to become considerate so that we can help each other get through this trial in our lives.
Life wasn’t that easy for me. I went through lots of pains and sorrows but I did not give up. I keep on fighting because I have strong belief in God. Whenever, I feel down, I hold on to this short prayer by Fitzghugh:
“When trials assail and my moods descend,
When pain and sorrow seem never to end,
I yield to you, Lord, so that I may see,
The peace and the joy You’ve promised me. (RIZA A. BUGHONG)