July 27, 2024

Dear Manang,
I wonder how many people are surviving these days even with the community pantry. The most painful image is children going hungry in these days of the pandemic. How are they making it through these times? Usually, these are kids of those who hardly went to school and are limited to menial labor. Are there any programs for them? I heard that they got some money from the government, was that enough to tide them over?
Linda of San Diego, California

Dear Linda,
Your questions suddenly brought me to the reality of the situation today. Well, the children seem to be doing well, maybe better these days than before. The community pantries seem to be serving not the right people but more of those who are taking advantage of the situation. This may not be so good but we are still hoping that those who benefit from the free food will be those who really need it. So far, many have discovered how to make money with the circumstances. Some have flourished. I guess, if we have faith, we find better ways. Don’t worry so much because the few who have no initiative remain in the same state. God is good.
God has plans,

Dear Manang,
The pandemic has affected my work. I lost my job. I don’t know what to do, can you help me get a job? I am a Commerce undergraduate because we had no money. I was content to do part-time jobs helping in a bakeshop. My children are working at the call center and I just need money for me. Help.
Sandra of Mirador Hill, Baguio City

Dear Sandra,
Please don’t make me cry. There are so many more things that one can do in these times. It is up to you to look for the work because these won’t come to you. If you have a green thumb, plants are in vogue and you can sell these online. You can look online for some work. But maybe, God has other things for you. Don’t worry too much.
Keep Faith,