July 27, 2024

It may sound hyperbolic but surely, “health is wealth,” is one of the most famous saying, credo, or adage uttered in human history. What’s ironic is that it is also one of the most taken for granted. Let’s face it, most people have certainly heard these three words ad nauseum but have not really fully or even partially adhered to and acted upon its basic truth – your health is indeed your wealth – until it’s too late. The proliferation of people who are obese, suffering from hypertension, diabetes and other lifestyle-related diseases prove this.
Like most things in life, we realize the value or importance of our health only when it is gone. Memory fails me on who said that when we are young, we sacrifice our health to acquire material wealth but when we become old, we spend our material wealth to get back our health. Sadly, no truer words have been said.
It behooves us then, especially in these times of the Covid-19 pandemic that we start taking good care of ourselves and not take our health for granted. I hope to heed my own advice this time. As our own home-grown adage goes, “Laging nasa huli ang pagsisisi.”
Speaking of health, it’s titillating to learn that the city government recently launched the Baguio City Health Care Providers Network (HCPN) as part of the nationwide roll-out of the Universal Health Care Program with the theme, “One Baguio under Universal Health Care.”
HCPN will give more substance and meaning to the national and local governments’ consistent and urgent call to “act as one and heal as one since we can serve better if we put our acts together.”
Present during the simple but memorable event were doctors and health professionals from the public and private sectors, representatives from the Department of Health and other agencies.
Executive Asst. to the Mayor, Marlene de Castro, read Mayor Benjie Magalong’s message praising all those involved in the endeavor.
Councilor Joel Alangsab, committee on health chair, led in the reading of the pledge of commitment and also gave a message of support from the city council.
Indeed, we pledge our support for this worthy endeavor that seeks to bring affordable, accessible and quality health care to everyone especially those who can’t afford and are most in need. Cheers!

Here’s “Yea & Nay” by Kurt Philip Behm: “Alone while together,/ unringing the bell/
The darkness enlightened,/ new silence to quell/ Permissions refusal,/ denial admits/
The fusion of oneness/–a hit and a miss”.

Let’s end with a prayer: “Almighty God, You know that we are surrounded by many great dangers,
and because of our human frailty we cannot withstand them. Give us health of mind and body so that we who suffer under sin may overcome and win the victory in You; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.”