July 27, 2024

Dear Manang,
Should it be inherent that some kids are plain lazy and others energetic and industrious? My son will not lift a finger to help me while I have difficulty with cooking and washing dishes. I have tried to ask him for help. But he isn’t interested. To no avail, I get the crummy, “the water is too cold,” when dishes must be done. What must I do?
Elena of San Roque Village, Baguio City

Dear Elena,
Some kids are born with lazy bones that really don’t respond to much. But these guys are blessings in other ways, like company to the bank and sending them out for groceries or to relatives, or some tend to be nerdy. If there are no blessings, then it reflects back to you who didn’t train him well. Kidding aside, you need to look for the good side. Be guided.
Look for the graces,

Dear Manang,
I have extended the invitation to a young man to apply for a scholarship for college and I will be able to ask the school to accommodate him. However, he said that he needs to take a break and work to be able to go to school. My disappointment is that he can be a working student.
Zaq of Balacbac, Baguio City

Dear Zaq,
It is so difficult to assure some people. There were some kids who we assisted with scholarships once but didn’t know that they needed transportation and allowance because their parents could not give them the funds. The only problem was that they don’t speak up and tend to waste the scholarship. You must try again and match the allowance too.
Give it a try,