July 27, 2024

Dear Manang,
Our child is seven years old and I have been asking my wife to have another one. She has said that it is difficult to raise a child and even if we are both employed and earning money, it is expensive to raise one. Our daughter goes to a private school and we are able to provide her with what we think is a comfortable life. We are comfortable too because we are able to go on vacations as a family and we have a car for our use. My parents have given us a part of their lot and we have a small house that is already in our own name. I consider us as ready to raise another child. How do I convince her?
Ramon of Kias, Baguio City

Dear Ramon,
Raising children is the most important role of responsible parents. They must give the child all the rights under the sun. Your wife must have grown up in a difficult household where they were deprived of so many things and she does not want her child to go through the same experience. I am sure that soon she might want another child before she passes the reproductive age. I guess you will just have to wait a little longer. Allow me to praise your family for being responsible. Many parents who are poor do not consider their important responsibility as caregivers for the future of their children. The hunger and depravity of their young do not bother them. If only they see this vital role that they play in the future of the country, it would be a great relief to the world. Keep it up.
Be patient,

Dear Manang,
I was surprised when my landlady suddenly asked me to vacate the space that I was renting. I know that I asked that the increase in rental be reduced and subtly increased instead of an increase of more than 50 percent in the next year. The pandemic did not affect her because I am a government employee and was continually paid throughout the days when the government asked landlords to possibly give a free month of rent. I am single but her complaint was about my dogs who are not even bothering her because I live on the first floor and she the second. I just wonder why this happened.
Polly of Malaya Village, Baguio City

Dear Polly,
Age usually does funny things to people. In my experience, often the elders who have the onset of dementia seem to feel persecuted or suspicious of others. You might be one of them even if you are good to her. I would just take this in stride since you are much younger and are single, move out and turn a new leaf because you have much more opportunities to look ahead to. Dogs are always your best friends. I believe that you shouldn’t worry much about that.
Pray for her,