July 27, 2024

Dear Manang,
Funny how people project themselves in what they say. I overheard someone say to another person that I said she was a flirt. I was wondering how and why I would have said this and it struck me that it was she who was flirting on social media with men half her age, not me. She has been doing this and making me look stupid. What should I do?
Robin of Loakan, Baguio City

Dear Robin,
It is called projection in psychology, if I’m not mistaken. Actually, in plain sight, you see many men and women who tend to gossip are those who want to do the things they say about others. It is their own desire to have a relationship with such persons deep inside them. One way to neutralize it is gossip about that person as a devout Christian having a good life, speak of them.
Speak well,

Dear Manang,
I have been to houses of my friends and their friends and I have been seeing things that I want. There is a vase that I want to take home that they don’t mind. I don’t think they will miss it. There is also a bag that has been staring at me from my friend’s shelf. She once said she didn’t want it. I want to take those things without them knowing. I already have things that I took from here and there. Why do they have so much and I so little?
Queenie, Ambuklao Road, Baguio City

Dear Queenie,
My goodness! You’re a kleptomaniac. You may think that they don’t notice but sooner or later they won’t let you in their house. I don’t think that you want to be an outcast. What if you asked them if you can have those items instead? There are many givers among us who want so much to give away those things but have no opportunity. Try it. Express your desire or say how pretty or nice it is. Who knows, they might even ask you if you want to have it. Try to heal yourself from the disease by asking permission.
Try it,