July 27, 2024

Upon recommendation of the committee on appropriations and finance, cluster C, the city council in separate resolutions has accredited six civil society organizations (CSOs), adding up to the 38 group applicants it approved since August.

The action complies with Section 34 of the Local Government Code of 1991 for all local government units to promote the establishment and operation of people’s and non-government organizations to become active partners in the pursuit of local autonomy.

In Resolution 283, s. 2022, all POs and NGOs or institutions in the city are called to apply for accreditation with the city government as its partners in local governance and development.

Accreditation refers to the process of assessing the applicant CSO to determine whether it is eligible partner to implement programs and/or projects of the city after meeting all the criteria and requirements provided under Department of the Interior and Local Government Memorandum Circulars 2019-72 and 2022-005.

A CSO refers to any organized citizen’s group including POs and NGOs such as community groups, labor unions, indigenous people’s groups, charitable organizations, faith-based organizations, professional associations and foundations.

This year’s round of accreditation and selection process of representatives to the local special bodies for the term 2022-2025 pursuant to DILGMC 2022-083 dated June 15 started on the first week of August with the issuance of a notice of call for accreditation and invitation to all the CSOs, whether previously accredited or seeking accreditation for the first time, and the conduct of a CSO conference by the city government.

Duly accredited CSOs are eligible for selection as representatives to the city’s local special bodies (LSBs) such as the City School Board, City Health Board, City Development Council, People’s Law Enforcement Board, Baguio City Tourism Council, Baguio City Market Authority, Committee on City Land Needs Identification and Survey, and Sisterhood and Twinning Committee.

The LSBs are venues of participation where citizens and citizens groups take part in the planning and governance of the LGU.

The selection and designation of CSO representatives to the special bodies were already completed, except for the school and health boards, which the selection committee has extended the schedule until Oct. 9 to finalize the list of members in another conference to be called for the purpose.

In addition, all accredited CSOs are made members of the City Development Council and can sit as member-organizations to the sectoral and functional committees of the council.
The CDC is tasked to assist the city council in setting the direction of economic and social development and coordinating development efforts of the city government.

Accredited CSOs are given the privilege to enter into joint ventures and such other cooperative arrangements with the city government to engage in the delivery of certain basic services, capability-building and livelihood projects, and to develop local enterprises designed to improve productivity and income, diversify agriculture, spur rural industrialization, promote ecological balance, and enhance the economic and social well-being of the people.

They are also qualified to receive financial or non-monetary assistance from the city for economic, socially-oriented, environmental, or cultural projects to be implemented within the city’s territorial jurisdiction.

Requirements for accreditation of CSO for representation in the LSBs as perDILG MC 2022-083 are letter of application, board resolution signifying intention for accreditation for the purpose of representation in a local special body, certificate of registration or existing valid certificate of accreditation from any national government agency (or in the case of IPOs, certification issued by the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples), and list of current officers; and

For CSOs that have been in operation for at least one year: minutes of annual meetings of the immediately preceding year as certified by the organization’s board secretary, or certification from the board secretary certifying the annual meeting’s conduct, including the date, location, attendees, and agenda; annual accomplishment report for the immediately preceding year; financial statement, at the minimum, signed by the executive officers of the organization, also of the immediately preceding year, and indicating therein other information such as revenue, expenses and the source/s of funds.

For inquiries and other details, coordinate with the City Planning and Development Office at (074) 442-8905 and the Sanggunian Panlungsod’s Agenda and Information Management Division at (074) 444-2343.