July 27, 2024

Dear Manang,
The saying that you can’t choose your mother resonates so much to people like me. I can’t understand why God’s generosity ran out when it came to giving me a mother. Her never ending criticism of people is unbearable and her dissatisfaction with life is confusing for one whose pension comes regularly. I guess I just need some consolation to remain patient with her. I wonder if I am the only one with such luck?
Gems of Happy Hallow, Baguio City

Dear Gems,
The saying that applies to you is “God doesn’t give you something you can’t handle.” God’s infinite wisdom cannot be questioned when trials and tests are considered. He is all powerful and knowing. Your mother is a reminder that you can be better. We are never alone in this journey; there are far worst personalities than her. You are still blessed.
Be blessed,

Dear Manang,
The gadgets have ruined our children and made them lazy and stubborn. My son is being difficult these days. I can’t ask him to do anything. He can’t let go of his cellphone and murmurs about losing the game. Is there a remedy or way to wean them from using the cellphone and washing the dishes at least? Do we need to raise our voices all the time? I am almost hoarse.
Kenia of Km 4, La Trinidad, Benguet

Dear Kenia,
Indeed, teenagers turn us into horses. It is a phase but this attitude is defeatist. I heard from a friend that sometimes a request is better than an order. Have you tried to request your son to do some chores? It also works when little gestures are made into great achievements. Praise is a reward too.
Use a gentle voice,