July 27, 2024

The city council has authorized through Ordinance 21, s. 2024 the city’s supplemental budget 1 in the total amount of P211.035 million for programs, projects, and activities (PPAs) previously approved in the 1st supplemental annual investment programs (SAP) for fiscal year 2024 of the city government under Resolution 130, s. 2024.
The amount shall come from the unappropriated surplus of P102.4M, reversion of unexpended obligations for P18.6M, and continuing development fund of 2021 and below in the amount of P90M.
The PPAs specifically include feasibility study for the outsourcing of garbage collection from residence/barangay to transfer station central materials recovery facility at Dontogan barangay – P1M; focal point system integration of gender and development to resiliency – P900,000; smart garbage bins – P300,000; peace and order, and public safety innovations – P230,000; development and improvement of lagoon underground drainage and surface water run-offs – P50M; and construction of Pacdal multipurpose hall – P50,000;
The Next Generation Leading the Way: Youth-driven Solutions for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals through the Conduct of voluntary Local Review Reversion of unexpended obligations – P1M; procurement and installation of heater for the swimming pool at Athletic Bowl – P15M; renovation of the new City Legal Office at the former General Services Office – P2.605M;
Repair and rehabilitation of health centers for P2M each at barangays Atok Trail, Campo Filipino, City Camp, Quezon Hill, and Engineer’s Hill; and
Construction of joint multipurpose hall of Trancoville and Alfonso Tabora barangays and evacuation center of District 17 at South Sanitary Camp barangay – P35M; construction of Dontogan multipurpose hall – P35M; road recovery of Diego Silang Road towards Harrison Road, Harrison-Carantes barangay – P10M.
Under Ordinance 23, s. 2024, the city council authorized Supplemental Budget 2 of P22.571M for the other PPA items of the 2024 SAIP approved under Resolution 130, s. 2024.
These are the Pag-Ibig contributions – P2.5M; rehabilitation of Arboretum 1 and 2 (third phase) – P5.5M; and placemaking in barangays with youth leaders – P2.5M; and
Construction of transfer station at Dontogan – P56.8M; construction of STP/leachate treatment plant at Irisan Eco-Park – P35M; procurement of one unit 10-wheeler 12,000-liter fire truck of the Bureau of Fire Protection – P12M.
Copies of both ordinances, with instructions that the details of the PPAs shall be submitted to the city council for its information, were submitted to City Mayor Benjamin Magalong for his signature.
The city council through Resolution 294, s. 2024 approved the immediate implementation of the “Tulong Trabaho Scholarship Program” of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority-Cordillera for qualified construction workers of contracting firms in the city to include qualified city government employees working in the said field.
Under Republic Act 11230 or the Tulong-Trabaho Act, the scholarship program covers sectors that are considered key employment generators or priority sectors identified in the National Technical Education and Skills Development Plan including agriculture, fishery and forestry, tourism, construction, ICT and IT business process management, transportation and logistics, manufacturing, and health and wellness.
In the resolution, the program’s implementation as agreed by the Tesda-CAR and the city government requires a memorandum of agreement to be crafted by Tesda with the city government through the City Administrator’s Office, the City Human Resource Management Office, and the Public Employment Service Office to be in-charge of accepting applications and endorsing the 25 candidates or scholars.
Tesda is also to provide P160 daily allowance to the scholars; issue a national certificate I to scholars who completed the training, and will determine if the scholars are eligible for NC II; and provide the list of suppliers and specifications for the purchase of materials/tool kits needed.
On the part of the city government, it shall discuss with contractors that during the training, the scholars will be paid their daily wage; prepare a project proposal for the funding of tool kits of the selected scholars; provide/award, through the funds from the Bids and Awards Committee, a tool kit to each scholar after completion the training.
Once the specifications of materials are provided by Tesda, the concerned city offices will request inclusion in the city council’s agenda for the approval and procurement of the materials.
In Resolution 292, s. 2024, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas was requested for the possibility of installing coin deposit machines or CoDMs in the city, particularly at SM City Baguio, City Social Welfare and Development Office, and at City Hall.
The BSP’s Coin Recirculation Program or “The BSP Coin Machine Project: Bawat Barya ay Mahalaga” was launched on June 20, 2023.
Per the resolution, the BSP has installed 25 CoDMs around the greater Manila area, in cooperation with partner retailers such as SM Super Malls, Robinson’s Retail Holdings, Inc., and electronic money issuers such as GCash or Maya electronic wallet accounts.
As of April 15, or 10 months after the launching, BSP has accepted 179.6M coins equivalent to P648.9M which was received and processed using CoDMs.
Further, the resolution stressed the coin recirculation program through the CoDMs allows customers to conveniently deposit their idle legal tender coins to be credited to their GCash or Maya electronic wallet accounts, or otherwise may be converted into shopping vouchers as well.
The resolution added providing or placing CoDMs in the CSWDO and at the Baguio City Hall will create fundraising opportunities with coin donations from donors for social welfare purposes would be conveniently and practically deposited and received.
Upon the recommendation of the Committee on Barangay Affairs, the city council through Resolution 302, s. 2024 granted favorable review to the annual and supplemental budgets for calendar year 2024 of barangays Dominican-Mirador – P7,177,518 and Lower Lourdes – P923,377.