July 27, 2024

Baguio, which added “Smart City” to its many titles, is rising to its glory.
This city aims to continue its journey to make it a place of pine-scented air.
Through the years, the electorate looks forward that every official serve with honesty for the duration of their term in office.
The city’s citizenry has always been consistent that the people they elected into office should be incorruptible so that the city will be able to recover its lost glory; for the continuity of progress; for peace and order to reign; and to maintain cleanliness and orderliness.
Richness can be earned the honest way. True wealth is in the heart; never in one’s hand. Our life’s possessions are converted with good intentions because there is no security against perils of wealth except in becoming rich towards our Father almighty in heaven. As always, “good deeds” reign in the end. Greatness in power and love for money doubles the quality of crimes.
Baguio City was once the cleanest city in the Philippines. But through cooperation, the city’s citizenry is helping bring back our fresh-scented ambiance.
Life in this city will be better if everything, anything, everywhere and anywhere are cleaned. Henceforth, we should continue helping and making the city clean from the mess due to unavoidable scenarios of some undisciplined populace and visitors of the city as well as other personalities.
Let us look forward to better times ahead. Residents hope to live in a clean, orderly, healthy surrounding and no longer a “smelly city.”
May we all remain law-abiding and well-disciplined, human beings and smart persons of this smart city.
To quote the best signboard ever: “In the forests and mountains, animals do not leave trash, humans do. Please behave like animals.
“For he who looks for a city which has foundations whose builder and maker is God.” – Hebrew 10:11.