July 27, 2024

The Senior Citizen Officials for-a-Day (Scofad) who took over the city council affairs City held their session last Oct. 17 as part of the Elderly Month celebration every October pursuant to Ordinance 57, s. 2009.

It was presided by SC vice mayor Luz Abella with SC councilors Raymund Ruaro, Noel Mabutas, Verena Viernes, Flordeliza Lagera, Delia Nicolas, Luz Pascua, Mario De Los Reyes, Benigno Andam, Ursula Alfa Dao-ey, Viola Aplosen, Zoraida Clavio, Thelma Kim, Gerald Gammad and Laurito Alinao, including SC council secretary Aurelia Bang-otan present to discuss the matters in the agenda.

The more than three-hour session was concluded with the adoption of around 30 proposals which include, Reproving officials/employees who disregard, contravene, deviate from, or refuse to implement resolutions or ordinances; Institutionalizing the conduct of Pasadang Pambarangay and appropriating P3 million as budget for its operation; Strict monitoring of prices of Noche Buena packages and other basic commodities this Yuletide season; Request for city council to review Ordinance 34, s. 2017 or Smoke Free Ordinance of Baguio for being in contravention of the constitution and the provisions of Republic Act 9211 or the Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003.

For the welfare and benefits of senior citizens are the requests to, Mayor Benjamin Magalong for the establishment of a medical financial assistance benefit/program for senior citizens, and for the construction of a Center for the Kalipi Women’s Federation of Baguio City Incorporated; the city government to mandate public comfort rooms maintenance operators to grant/allow senior citizens free of charge; Baguio General Hospital-Medical Center to open or set-up an out-patient department for seniors’ geriatric care; City Health Services Office for the availability and efficient distribution of maintenance medicines in all district centers; City Engineering Office to make all the city overpasses as senior citizen friendly; and City Social Welfare and Development Office and concerned government agencies to conduct basic computer operation seminar for seniors.

Increasing the honorarium of Scofad to P3,000; Granting P5,000 birthday incentive to all registered city senior citizens aged 65 years old and above; and Enabling seniors and persons with disabilities unhampered mobility and with ease with the provision of access-friendly facilities and devices in buildings.

eenforcing Department of Trade and Industry Circular 20-09 or the “Pagpapahalaga sa mga senior citizens,” giving priority to elderly when purchasing basic necessities and other essentials in retail stores and similar establishments.

Other requests are addressed to the, Baguio Water District to study the feasibility of providing, free or at affordable cost, septic tank cleaning and desludging service to its consumers as part of its corporate social responsibility; Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board to standardize the basic pay of accredited freelance and in house tour guides; Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center and other facilities to establish recreation and support center for cancer patients who have just undergone chemotherapy or radiation treatment and other forms of management; Department of the Environment and Natural Resources-CAR to allow the construction of a multi-level parking building with view deck on it property located near the BARP Building at Bokawkan Road; and Emergency Medical Service to work for the creation of a special task force that will handle geriatric and persons with disability in cases of disasters.

Invitation for certain personalities during city council session on why the license of plates of private vehicles parked at Upper Kayang Street, adjacent the police office are not being confiscated or issued tickets for violation of the anti-road obstruction order or traffic ordinances; for upgrading of taxis and drivers to enhance tourism and pride of the city.

The other resolutions are encouragement for, Jeepney operators to provide more jeepneys to cater to students and workers from their barangays to the city center from 6 to 8 a.m.; Public Order and Safety Division to undergo training/s on good manners and right conduct in addition to their regular orientation/training regarding the implementation of their functions; All higher education institutions that are implementing the National Service Training Program to partner with the City Environment and Parks Management Office in the conduct of such program; All barangays in the city to establish and maintain barangay reading centers, and provide funds for the rehabilitation of at least two drug users/dependents for outpatient treatment and rehabilitation for a period of three months; Contractors of barangay projects to give preference to qualified job applicants in the barangay where the project is situated; and SK members to disseminate and implement information on hydroponics.

These will all be referred to the city council for its consideration and adoption into a city resolutions or ordinances.

Under Ordinance 42, s. 2010, the Scofads are entitled with honorarium of not less than P1,000 each for services rendered in consonance with the Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2003.