July 27, 2024
  1. The PNP would definitely raise a howl if a medical expert will be appointed to a crucial position that oversee matters involving peace and order in the country.
  2. Baguio’s Finest are doing the right thing in making the rounds within the CBD to remind the public to be cautious against pickpockets masquerading as visitors.
  3. Gang leaders inside the National Bilibid Prison continue with their nefarious activities ranging from illegal drug trade to kill orders carried out by members.
  4. This LGU has its own set of parameters in achieving good governance, which is why it is not in DILG’s list of Seal of Good Governance awardees in the past years.
  5. New aerial images of man-made islands by China over the West Philippine Sea prove nothing has been done to prevent the “enemy within” from intrusion.
  6. The underground movement will find ways to justify the attack against soldiers doing humanitarian assistance and disaster relief in Abra that killed two soldiers.
  7. Plans to find an alternative or expansion site for the already congested city public cemetery is still unrealized since the concerned offices are not concerned about it.
  8. Poor implementation of infrastructure projects contributed in the reported damage to government structures during the magnitude 6.4 earthquake on Oct. 25.
  9. Countless parents would prefer full in-person classes because their children will learn better from this set-up compared to blended learning modality.
  10. A concerned citizen was able to document the supposed operation of a mobile batching plant within a government-owned property that violates an ordinance.
  11. The much-publicized government structure labelled as a world-class facility is undergoing repair months after its inauguration due to defective floorings.
  12. The passage of the Magna Carta for Barangay Officials, which was the reason for the postponement of barangay and SK polls in the past, remains unrealized.