July 27, 2024

1. A media outfit added to misinformation on the Cessna plane crash in Apayao by posting an image of a Cessna plane crash that happened in Bulacan in September 2021.

2. Three counts of rape against a member of the church will most likely shock members of this diocese that opted to keep a low profile about the case already known to many.

3. More than 60 individuals who invested millions in a team known in the circle for its casino junket scam have begun filing charges for syndicated estafa against the team.

4. One of the supposed victims of an investment scam has infused over P30 million with a five percent monthly ROI but now wants his money back from a casino junket team.

5. Some of the SUVs acquired through a 30/70 sharing scheme with a group engaged in a Ponzi scheme have been repossessed by the banks for non-payment of amortization.

6. The favored groups and individuals who are known associates of a politician’s kin continue to corner and create programs and projects then draw fundings from the LGU.

7. Some PNP and AFP officers who wanted recognition from a Malacañang official have the intent to be assigned in a Cordillera province during the synchronized elections.

8. The police force, along with the BFP, did a great job in leading the clearing, including search and rescue operations without letting the public know about their achievements.

9. Aside from being onion-skinned, a self-proclaimed famous legislator took exemption to a public statement that lawmakers are enriching themselves from pork barrel funds.

10. A married Cordilleran executive was once a talk of the town for courting a mom of four who outrightly rejected the indecent proposal in deference to the former’s unsuspecting wife.

11. Members of the BAC led by the supposed incorruptible executive officer and his boss could be charged for technical malversation for disposing public funds for other projects.

12. Even climate change and dynamic weather patterns have outsmarted not only hi-tech gadgets of Pagasa but also the expensive weather applications installed in smartphones.