July 27, 2024

1. A government executive is trying to ignore public criticisms for his misdeeds even after being admonished by his superior for breach of the good governance creed.

2.  It would just be a matter of time before thousands of patients would realize why some items listed in their prescriptions are not medicines, but costly supplements.

3. A former ranking official is desperate in attending rallies so he could criticize the Marcos administration and solicit public support in his quest to avoid arrest.

4. A private individual likened to a mercenary is desperately eyeing a regional post in the government and plans to let politicians sign a prepared endorsement letter.

5. To overtake from any corner and to disregard some traffic rules are not the basis for some riders to pass the examination when applying for their driver’s license.

6. The Senate hearing on a female mayor suspected of being a Chinese asset shows that anyone could possibly tell a lie and sidestep sanctions from the government.

7. Individuals, including political leaders, and companies are being offered novelty awards by several groups in exchange of sponsorship fees ranging up to P250,000.

8. The regional PNP cybercrime unit might also include in its investigation a socmed site offering massage services in Baguio but appears to be a booking site.

9. Some politicians are not being invited or being avoided in some barangay events, as they have the habit of vilifying fellow officials to advance their vested interests.

10. Ranking politicians claiming to be supportive of the country’s sovereign rights over the West Philippine Sea were no show in the recent public-led resupply mission.