July 27, 2024
  1. Many indigent residents wonder why they did not receive relief assistance from local governments that received numerous cash and in-kind donations.
  2. Not a single member of the state forces will cooperative in the upcoming full probe into the drug war the past years if ordered by an official of Malacañang.
  3. A regional director could face charges for summarily dismissing personnel for alleged misdeed of owning residential houses within a reservation.
  4. This agency is unaware one of its supposed supporters in the vaccination program has jumped the vaccination line and was witnessed by senior citizens.
  5. The government’s sustained vaccination rollout continues to suffer setbacks, as many eligible local officials, who should be role models, refused to be inoculated.
  6. Many of those who received the U.S.-made vaccine have the notion they are more protected than those who were inoculated with other vaccine brands.
  7. The recent anti-counterfeit operation by the Bureau of Customs proves that branded apparels have already flooded even supposed high-end markets.
  8. Some of the tourists who were allowed entry to Baguio have found their way to nearby towns while not strictly observing the minimum health protocols.
  9. A summary hearing will be launched anytime soon after a police officer was among those arrested by state forces when they raided a gambling den in the locality.
  10. The normal rotation of police officers has to be suspended in the meantime that the critical position for the ‘best and the brightest officer’ is unavailable.
  11. There was a marked increase of individuals with comorbidity after the CHSO announced the arrival and eventual inoculation using the Pfizer vaccine.
  12. With the old man gone, potential formidable political bets are being groomed to challenge the incumbent top officials of Apayao who reigned for decades.