July 27, 2024

Dear Manang,
I finally have a notion of freedom from the verbal and physical abuse that I received from my husband of 10 years. The court has ordered my protection and that he can’t come near me and my children. They said he may be imprisoned for violation of the Violence Against Women and their Children Act. I am now afraid that I will not get support for my growing kids if he does get jailed. Should I let go?
Sandra of Kayang St., Baguio City

Dear Sandra,
I am not legalese but if you check and do some research, there is no imprisonment for that crime. The protection order and the promise to support is what it redounds to. Please don’t withdraw because you’ve already won. There is a loophole to it. I pray you don’t get whiplashed.
Stand up for your rights,

Dear Manang,
I am angry at the lies some people are spreading about me. I feel defenseless because I do not circulate in the same circles and men believe the lies. Those who are in the circles do not even bother to clarify or get the facts straight. I am being wrongly accused of a crime.
Tanya of Roseville, Baguio City

Dear Tanya,
I wish I could tell you the right way to deal with them but there are so many kinds of people who like to perpetrate their falsehoods. I want to assure you that they will get their just rewards but even that sometimes is long in coming. Sometimes, to rectify it is to keep quiet. These things have a way of catching up with liars. Sorry, I have a weak stomach for such.
Poetic justice comes,