July 27, 2024

Fellow seniors, get vaccinated now

I wrote this letter barely three hours after I was vaccinated with my first dose of Sinovac on June 15 at Benguet State University gym.
After two deferments due to hypertension, my blood pressure finally settled at 130/100 allowing me to get my first shot.
Except for some light headedness, I felt alright.
My second dose will be on July 13.
I am sharing this to motivate fellow senior citizens to have themselves vaccinated so they will have better chances of fighting off the Covid-19 virus.
But more importantly, I witnessed how the La Trinidad Municipal Health Services, the Philippine National Police, the Bureau of Fire Protection, and other volunteers performed their tasks splendidly during my vaccination.
They did so on a clock work precision seeing to it that every vaccinee is attended to with tender loving care until the end of the vaccination process.
To all the frontliners involved in the vaccination program in La Trinidad, Benguet, kudos for a job well done and may your tribe increase. — AGA K. BOLISLIS La Trinidad, Benguet