July 27, 2024

Dear Manang,
My husband has lapses in memory as expected in many who are in their 60s. Should I allow my husband to return abroad to claim his retirement for one more year of service to the foreign company? I am afraid that in these Covid times what if he gets sick and returns in an urn? The retirement funds are for our farmland. I have my income too and my retirement is in five years. Help!
Tim of Green Valley, Baguio City

Dear Tim,
I too am a believer that life is short and sweet. I would like to be greedy and say that all his efforts abroad are in that fund for the farm. The comfortable life it will give is yours but that one dreaded thing might be real too. It must be prayed over. You must ask God’s guidance to rise above the dilemma.
God answers prayers,

Dear Manang,
My husband died in February but my pain is still so real. I am reminded of him every day and all around the house where I live alone. How does one move on? I have no options in life because we did not really have much to live on. I am still a caretaker of a friend’s house and cannot leave it just like that. I can live with my son but that would also mean leaving Baguio’s memories. How does one go about this lonely life?
Gie of Liteng, Pacdal, Baguio City

Dear Gie,
I am praying that your life with your husband was full of happy memories more than sad ones. It is living with the happy ones that allow us to move on. I watched a movie where the husband also looked forward to being with his wife in the afterlife and that made his life more pleasant in the twilight days. It may not be that simple but fill your memories with happy thoughts to wash away the loneliness. I am sure that God has more plans for you. Just be patient.
Wait in prayer,