July 27, 2024

Dear Manang,
My friends say that insomnia is stress related. Now that I’m older, they say it is age related. I have always had troublesome sleep patterns. I have tried to regulate my sleep patterns using all sorts of ways – turning the TV off because when I wake up at 2 a.m. I watch a movie; drinking melatonin regularly at 9 p.m. but it doesn’t work all the time; exercising so I tire the physical part of me but I am the worst at discipline; alcoholic drinks make me sleepy but don’t guarantee that I skip the 3 a.m. waking hour; or reading to tire my eyes. I have tried all sorts of things but I can’t seem to sleep eight hours straight. What gives?
Precy of Balacbac, Baguio City

Dear Precy,
My research shows that you have sleep disturbance insomnia. Well, the website soundsleephealth.com says that it is caused by stress, anxiety, and the regular stuff. The cause according to the website is, “It’s possible that sleep cycles may have something to do with it; at 3 a.m. you may be entering a lighter phase of sleep, which makes disruptions and awakenings more likely. Some researchers speculate that during times of stress, excess adrenaline may flood our systems, disrupting the body’s normal self-repair process.” Guess what it recommends.“Stop trying; leave your bed. Insomniacs sometimes associate their beds with the frustration of trying and failing to sleep. If you can’t fall back to sleep within 20 minutes, it’s best to get up and leave your bed altogether.” All the other steps you have tried and this is the only different thing to do. Since you have time now, just enjoy the movies if you ask me.
Stay cool, nothing to worry about,

Dear Manang,
We are almost at the end of the enhanced community quarantine and I am worried about life. By then, I would have owed other people my month’s wages. My electric and water bills would be double. The tuition of my son will still need to be paid. As if, I was given time to be with my family but that time didn’t earn but put me in debt. How does one make it after the Covid-19?
Brenda of Buyagan, La Trinidad, Benguet

Dear Brenda,
You are not alone. All the workers ask themselves the same questions. Only the jobless are used to the situation of having no money, say the jokesters. On the bright side, we will all survive this as it has also made us wiser. The changes allow us to appreciate what we have and enjoy compared to the rat race we just continued to cope with. No one expected the Covid-19. All the businessmen have much more to attend to in the millions of pesos. We will make it, put your faith in God.
Keep praying for strength,