July 27, 2024

Ipitik Festival will make a comeback at the Rose Garden, Burnham Park March 28 to April 5.
The festival opens March 28 with a rice wine drinking ceremony, followed by the Search for the Master Tapuy Brewer, Cordillera Gong Show, the 6th on-the-spot wood carving competition, and the 3rd Pinikpikan cook-fest. The day will be capped by a dance and musical concert by the University of Baguio Voices and Graces and Ubbuk.
The cook fest is a non-competitive event that aims to serve a traditional Cordillera native dish – pinikpikan – for the Ipitik Festival revellers.
On the first day of the week-long festival, elementary and high school students from the different public and private schools in Baguio will showcase different cultural dances of Cordilleran origin.
The highlight of Ipitik Festival is the search for Master Tapuy Brewer March 28.
Rice wine brewers from Baguio City and neighboring provinces are invited to join the search. Aside from the cash prizes, the winning brewer will get the city’s stamp of quality and his brew will be provided assistance for business mentorship and production, bottling, branding, and marketing by the Department of Trade and Industry.
“The Ipitik Festival recognizes the wine making skills of Cordillerans. Each village in the Cordillera has an ingenious way of preparing tapuy.This event is not only a tribute to Cordillera rice wine-makers but to all the people of the Cordilleras,” said anthropologist and local historian Isikias Picpican.
The festival will also highlight the craftsmanship of Cordillerans through the on-the-spot woodcarving competition which will be held at the Rose Garden March 28.
Participating woodcarvers will create totem poles depicting festivals and rituals of the Cordillera. Their pieces will be installed at the Melvin Jones dap-ay.
“Community art is a people centered, interactive creative effort that offers audiences an opportunity to participate and share in the making of an artwork. It is open to the public, children, communities, fellow artists and so on,” explained Katrin de Guia, founder of Heritage and Arts Academies of the Philippines.
Interested applicants for the Search of Master Tapuy Brewer and onsite woodcarving competition will undergo a screening and selection process. A list of selected competitors will be announced on the Ipitik Facebook page March 10 at 9 p.m. The mechanics and guidelines for the competition will be provided March 11 to the chosen contestants.
Interested applicants may request for an application form and submit via the following methods:
Request and/ or submit an accomplished application form with attachments to the Ipitik 2020 secretariat located at the Baguio Tourism Information Center along Lake Drive, Burnham Park or through e-mail at CBCC.ipitik20HYPERLINK “mailto:[email protected][email protected], or through the Ipitik Facebook page.
Ipitik Festival 2020 is sponsored by the city government of Baguio through the Council for Baguio Creative City in partnership with the Baguio Flower Festival Foundation, Department of Tourism-Cordillera, Baguio Tourism Council, Cultural Center of the Philippines, University of the Philippines Baguio Museo Kordilyera, Film Development Council of the Philippines, University of the Philippines Baguio, National Commission for Culture and the Arts, the French Embassy, and Department of Trade and Industry-Cordillera.
For details, interested parties may contact 0945-715-9249 or 0949-306-8072. – Press release