July 27, 2024

Dear Manang,
What does menopause mean? My mother has suddenly become moody and difficult to understand. She easily gets angry and I see her crying while watching telenovelas when it isn’t a sad story. She takes long naps now and always complains about headaches. She has suddenly gained weight because she eats cakes and candies throughout the day. This is not good for her vanity because she likes slim clothes. She is popping and constantly complaining. What can I do for my mother to make her happier and restore the calm in our house?
Baby of Sepic Road, Baguio City

Dear Baby,
Intechopen.com says, “For women, the menopausal period is considered the climacterium, the middle adulthood; a period in life characterized by decreased biological and physiological functioning and may lead to psychosocial disturbance in form of interpersonal relationship.” All that she is exhibiting are signs and symptoms of menopause. Geneva.com recommends this support, “What you can do is listen. Sympathize. Be patient. Do your best to understand an experience you may not ever share.” So when she tries to say something, try to just listen to her. Openly show emotional support, ask if she needs something or if she feels well. These two things will help through the rough times.
Be attentive,

Dear Manang,
I am 40 and I just got married. I am both excited and worried about having a baby. I am aware of the implications of late pregnancy and its possible effect on my child. My husband and I understand the difficult times ahead of us and we are ready. I guess what is important is that we are psychologically and emotionally prepared. Have you experienced or do you know of others who have gone through this?
Deb of QM, Baguio City

Dear Deb,
A baby is God’s gift for the love couples have for each other. Even at this late age, God has worked mysteriously and allowed you two to witness the bond of your love. I have a friend who married late and had her firstborn at 42. The risks of pregnancy began in the first trimester. Her morning sickness was terrible and she already needed hospitalization thrice. Into the next trimester, she was able to adjust better and found some relief with herbal teas and aroma therapy. But she had the baby prematurely at six months. Of course, incubation was necessary but the baby was so beautiful and healthy and they were able to bring her home after the second week. All the pains and worries were washed away with this wonderful life. She is now a senior high school student with top honors. Her father is already with the Creator but she and her mom are well and comfortable.
Don’t be afraid,